


FAUST -Flashback Caruso


This is a Super 8 Edit by Nils Leon Brauer in collaboration with Sven-Julien Kanclerski of a beautiful gathering of lovers of defiant art and culture that took place June 2017 in Schiphorst, Germany. The music is a cover by Bobby Conn, Monica BouBou and Augustus Pomerleau of the Faust song Flashback Caruso. The happening grew out of the internationally renown Avantgarde Festival and is focused on experimental music and performance art: 3 days of art and culture production with international guests with strong emphasis on collaboration and in close cooperation with local structures. The AGF-Spirit is the network agency, label and organizer of Avantgarde Is Happening; by way of Scouts that seek out artistic crossover and collaboration across the spectrum of art, the form and content of the festival grows organically under the motto: We will find a way to include you all. 


2 commentaires:

Everett W. Gilles a dit…

Tu me fais flipper Ma, j'ai l'impression que tu as piraté ma connexion : depuis une semaine je me suis (re)plongé à fond dans Faust, et Can ... et Neu! aussi d'ailleurs
Marrant ça !
La bise

Ma a dit…

La Bro-alliance!