Nothin' in the world can stop me worryin' 'bout that girl
Wes Anderson writes in a booklet:
"I Originally wanted to score the
whole movie of 'Rushmore' with songs by the Kinks. I thought this made
sense because the Kinks played loud, angry, teenage rock songs, and they
wore blazers and ties; and our movie is about a teenager who is loud
and angry, and he is almost never seen without his blazer and tie (until
he switches to a green velvet suit). I eventually expanded this concept
to include the whole British invasion, because they all basically
dressed like that.Then we did some research and started making tapes
labeled SCHOOL MOVIE MUSIC, which I listened to on road trips while we
were writing the script. Sometimes I put the same song on a tape five or
six times in a row, because your mind wanders when you're on the road,
and repetition helps you focus your concentration. We played lots of
this music on the set during the shot in Houston with a Bose stereo that
Bill Murray got for us. My assistant had to lug the Bose around and get
electricians to give her extension cables, and the inconvenience of
that eventually led her to quit, although there were probably other
factors which i don't know about. At the end of the shoot Murray gave
the Bose to one of the make-up people. The only song we used</b> *
</b>that's not British Invasion is the Yves Montand rendition of
'Rue St. Vincent', but I think that's a good one to stand on its own.
Thanks very much, and I hope you enjoy this album."
Wes Anderson
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